Basic Info
I am currently a research scientist at AML, Facebook.
I received my Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics from Stanford University advised by Michael Saunders and Michael Mahoney. I was also closely working with Chris Ré. My research interests are in randomized linear algebra, large-scale optimization and machine learning. I am also interested in big data analytics and enthusiastic about leveraging methods from machine learning for large-scale applications.
Over the past summers, I was fortunate to be an intern with Vikas Sindhwani and Haim Avron (IBM Research, 2013), Dennis DeCoste and Alex Gittens (eBay Labs, 2014), Abhijit Bose and Priya Ponnapalli (JPMC, 2015). Also, I am an external collaborator at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory working with Prabhat and Ben Bowen on several practical projects in different domains of science.
My CV can be found here.
Contact Information
My email is jiyanyang12 AT gmail DOT com.